Exactly the post I needed to read today - thanks, Camille - and thank you too for linking to me!

I'm astonished at the definition of 'hobby graveyard'. That's ME - totally, utterly me! I throw myself into my next new thing at the drop of a hat and then wonder why I have piles of both stuff and resentment in every corner. I had no idea that it was an ADHD term - that's so interesting. 🤔

These words have given me goosepimples: "What I’ve found recently is that my writing has matured. The young woman who started this newsletter and who started blogging in 2021 is no longer the writer for the audience I’m trying to reach. She wrote to find the answers, and in some cases, to give her readers an answer promised." YES!

Camille, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I love that writing - your writing, our writing - is an exploratory process. We put out feelers with words, and see what feedback we get when they touch the world around us, harnessing the results in whatever we're writing. Awesome stuff.

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Thank you so much, Rebeca! I’m so glad this resonated with you 😊

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When we lose the inner child and the willingness the play, I guess then we can say we’re “adult” but what a sad existence that is. And anyone who says they’re “adult” are boring or lying. Keep evolving, but never get there 💜

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Oooh I love that side of it, too Bryn! ( and can’t believe I didn’t think of it - thank goodness for my diligent readers). May we all stay children at heart ♥️

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